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Womad NZ: The Correspondents

31 Jan 2013
In the first of a series of QnAs with performers at Womad NZ, we hear from The Correspondents, a UK based duo known for revamping vintage sounds for the modern ear.

In the first of a series of quick QnAs with artists performing at Womad NZ this year, we hear from UK based duo The Correspondents.

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In the first of a series of quick QnAs with artists performing at Womad NZ this year, we hear from UK based duo The Correspondents.

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The Correspondents revamp vintage sounds for the modern ear.  DJ Chuck’s amalgamation of electro, drum ’n’ bass, swing and boogie woogie resuscitates sampled 30s and 40s relics with squelchy synths and dusty drum loops and Mr Bruce’s joyous dancing offsets searing scats.

The Correspondents were a live performance highlight of Womad UK 2012 (see the video below!).

What (or who) did you want to be when you were growing up?

Chucks: When I was really young I remember wanting to be a dinosaur for quite a long time. Sort of drifted along on the back of that disappointment ever since.

Mr Bruce: I was obsessed with clowns...not a grand leap of the imagination to see how this obsession has manifested itself in my current career!

What are you reading at the moment? Whats’s currently playing on your iPod?

Chucks: Consider Phlebas by Ian M. Banks. Probably giving the headphone test to new tracks from the album we're working on.

Mr Bruce: The Gilded Gutter Life of Francis Bacon. St Vincent's Strange Mercy in between new tracks. 

What are you looking forward to most about coming to New Zealand?

Rubbing your noses in the rugby and inevitable cricket defeats in February in person.  But mainly checked out your beautiful country and flightless birds!
Mr Bruce: I'll be diplomatic and stay well out of any sporting rivalry and enjoy the view!

Can you give a brief account of the idea behind your work?

We are a 2 man alternative dance act.

Where did the inspiration for this work come from?

Lots of things and lots of genres! There's plenty of electro, blues and jazz in there.

What do you hope audiences will take away from this work?

We hope they get their dancing shoes on and have a sweaty time!

Are there any forth coming projects you’d be happy to talk about?

Album coming out in 2013!

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