If the name ‘Ron Gallipoli’ doesn’t sound familiar, you might remember him as the guy who covered Lorde’s ‘Green Light’ at the Silver Scrolls a couple of years back and upset Dave Dobbyn. I personally think he’s one of the most exciting artists in this country; his work is political and funny while never becoming didactic.
Ron will be having both an album and book release party up at Strange Goods on K Rd next week. The book, Gripes & Apocalypses, is a collection of lyrics from his albums with accompanying mini-essays, and the album, Prisnarchitect, will be his third. Ron will be performing what he describes as “Chamber-style duets of Ron Gallipoli” songs with the pianist Hermione Johnson.
Friday Dec 6th, 6pm, Strange Goods, 281 Karangahape Rd, Auckland
Auckland rapper Melodownz, aka Bronson Price, is holding an intimate single release party on Cross Street. Bronson is fast becoming one of the country’s top MC’s, with his songs clocking up hundreds of thousands of plays on Spotify. He recently took a trip to the Sates to work on new music.
The single, No Mercy is coming out on Def Jam / SNIFFERS Records and features an undisclosed guest who Melodownz describes as one of his favourite artists.
The venue is pretty small so I’d recommend getting there early.
Saturday, Nov 30th, 930pm, 4 Cross St, Auckland Central
Vogelmorn bowling club
If you’re in Wellington this Saturday, I highly recommend heading along to the Friends of Vogelmorn Festival, up at the Vogelmorn Bowling Club. For the last few years, theatre group Barbarian Productions have set up HQ in the Bowling Club, turning it into a hub for the community. I was lucky enough to spend some time there working on my new play, and it really is like nowhere else in the country. The diversity of the people involved, as well as the art being created, feels unique in a time when art spaces are becoming more scarce.
The festival runs from 10am to midnight and features a dance workshop, flea market and performances by local musicians and poets. It’s family-friendly, free to attend, and zero-waste.
Saturday November 30th, 10am-12am Vogelmorn bowling club 93 Mornington Rd, Brooklyn
The Prisoner Correspondence Network of Aotearoa (PCN) are holding an awesome event this Sunday. Hits a nice note with Christmas piling in on us.
From 10 am down at the Marilyn Waring Room at the Ellen Melville Centre, they’re encouraging members of the public to come down and make or write cards that will be sent to prisoners for Christmas. They’re asking people to bring along any old cards to be repurposed. If you can’t make it to the event you can send cards to PCN, PO Box 5870. Wellesley St. Auckland 1141. The list of first names to address them to is available here.
Sunday December 1st, 10am-5pm Marilyn Waring Room, Ellen Melville Centre, High St, Auckland CBD