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Write4Gold on K Road

08 Jun 2006
Saturday the 27th of May brought international graffiti competition Write4Gold to Karangahape Road. Starting in the early hours, the day was a success by all accounts and went smoothly from start to…

Saturday the 27th of May brought international graffiti competition Write4Gold to Karangahape Road. Starting in the early hours, the day was a success by all accounts and went smoothly from start to finish. Congratulations to TMD from Auckland for taking out the title, only narrowly beating RTR and RFC by a few points.

Image: Detail of winning wall by TMD Saturday the 27th of May brought international graffiti competition Write4Gold to Karangahape Road. Starting in the early hours, the day was a success by all accounts and went smoothly from start to finish. Congratulations to TMD from Auckland for taking out the title, only narrowly beating RTR and RFC by a few points.

Image: Detail of winning wall by TMDThe crowds were entertained by some of New Zealand's top DJs, alongside highlights of the Have A Go wall in Beresford Square and the open breaking circle outside Texas Radio.

The competition was divided into four components; tagging, throwups, sketching and the concept wall, and it was from these battles that the international jury drew their concluding results from.

1st place: TMD (Phat, Dyle52, Exist, Ryze, Askew)
2nd place: RTR (Webs, Dons, Fury, Ikon, Agent)
3rd place: RFC (Deus, Gasp, Sens, Frail and Rush T)

The competition was extremely close, with the top two crews tied for points following tallying the scores. The judges took over four hours to deliberate and it was TMD that took out the title in the end.

The results were announced at the after party hosted by Rising Sun.

For those that missed it, photos of the walls can be seen online at www.disruptiv.com Whilst most of the panels have been sold already, there are still some available for purchase. If you are interested please contact deirdre@disruptiv.com

A special thanks to our judges for making the journey over for the New Zealand leg of the event; Opak from France, Shime from Australia, Omsk and Akut from Germany. The judges all commented on the impressive quality of productions and calibre of the New Zealand artists. Photo realist graffiti artist Akut is staying in New Zealand for a few more days and can be spotted around town painting at various locations, such as the electrical box at the corner of Symonds Street and K Road.
