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Director Martin Sutcliffe will be moving on from his role at Corban Estate Arts Centre after 14 years of dedicated service.

27 May 2021
Message and farewell from the Board at Corban Estate Arts Centre.

Corban Estate Arts Centre Director Martin Sutcliffe will be moving on from his role at the end of June. Martin has been the Director at Corban Estate Arts Centre since May 2007, dedicating 14 years of service to the arts community here in West Auckland, Henderson.

Below is a message and announcement from the Corban Estate Board:

Martin Sutcliffe, Director of the Corban Estate Arts Centre, is retiring at the end of June. Martin came to CEAC in 2007 when the arts centre was in its infancy. The homestead had been restored to house the three gallery rooms and shop and the Opanuku Studio complex completed. Exhibitions and the embryonic education programme were established and there were some artists studios operating. Everything else that we enjoy today has grown under Martin's baton; and it is a diverse and rich arts and cultural environment that he has nurtured and developed over those years. Stand-outs are his passion for the performing arts and for growing cultural experiences for the at-risk communities of the west. When the media was screaming about the plight of the homeless, Martin, in partnership with social workers from Te Whanau Waipareira, was quietly opening up a drop-in studio where homeless people could find shelter, food and express their creativity through art and craft. At-risk young people have found a safe place through a variety of programmes. The ever-changing graffiti walls are a testament to that. These are sometimes risky areas to work in, but Martin has always dared to give good ideas a chance to flower. His steadfast support has resulted in lives changed and creative futures made possible. Along with this he has headed a team of passionate and talented staff, managed a large and sprawling precinct with heritage buildings that need constant attention, raised significant funding to expand the  programmes and created a nation-wide reputation for  CEAC as a unique cultural precinct. The past two years have seen him work tirelessly to support the establishment of the Te Pou Maori Theatre and Whaotapu Carving Studio; all this while managing the complexities of the Covid pandemic. There is only one word that comes close to expressing our feelings; and that is gratitude - for 14 years of tireless service.

Naomi McCleary

Interim Chairperson