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Ande Schurr's Content

People before projects

People before projects

Jon Landau, producer of Avatar and Titanic, is no stranger to success. In this audio interview he tells Ande Schurr how valuing people before projects is key.

Overcoming freelancing fears

Overcoming freelancing fears

How do you overcome a fear of freelancing? You don’t, says Ande Schurr, fear is your friend.

Seven tips for marketing success

Seven tips for marketing success

Ande Schurr reports back from a weekend of learning and inspiration at the recent Big Screen Symposium, with tips to promote yourself and your work.

Dealing with yourself

Dealing with yourself

In the final post on 'tools for the whole person’s success', Ande Schurr delves into the most complex subject - how to deal with yourself!

Dealing with friends & family

Dealing with friends & family

The third in the series of ‘ 'tools for the whole person’s success’, Ande Schurr explores how to deal with friends and family to improve your business and life.

Alliance with clients

Alliance with clients

This is the second in a series of articles by Ande Schurr on tools for the whole person’s success. This time, we delve into four principles of success for dealing with our clients or employees.

Time saving business tools

Ande Schurr shares tools for time management and adding a level of integration and automation to your tasks and managing business leads.

Ten tips for freelancers

Ten tips for freelancers

Find your entrance into starting your own business or reinvigorate your existing one. Ande Schurr shares 10 tips for freelancers.

Mixing business with friendship

Mixing business with friendship

Business can be a one dimensional experience just trying to earn a living so you can enjoy life outside of it, or it can be part of the joy of life.

Pure Thought

Pure Thought

In a new series of audio interviews with global business thinkers, Ande Schurr talks to New York designer Dror Benshetrit about using 'pure thought' to solve complex problem.

The year of commitment

The year of commitment

Every year has a defining quality. For Ande Schurr, it was the year of commitment. He shares his reflections on 2014 and ten lessons for How Freelancers Can Succeed.

Finding your rhythm

Fresh from recording sound on hip-hop feature film Born to Dance, Ande Schurr has picked up a few new moves to help freelancers find their rhythm.