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Going West Books and Writers Festival's Content

Early Days Yet...

Early Days Yet...

On Sunday morning at the Going West literary weekend Landfall in Unknown Seas two new voices, Craig Cliff and Tanya Moir, reveal and interrogate their work.

You will know when you get there...

You will know when you get there...

Sunday afternoon of the Going West literary weekend Landfall in Unknown Seas is kicked off with Sarah Gaitanos and Helen Schamroth discussing stories of love and loss.

Words Between Us

Words Between Us

Going West - Alison Jones and Kuni Jenkins will speak to their exhibition ‘Nga Taonga Tuhituhi: archival images of the earliest Maori use of pen and paper'.

Walking with McCahon

Walking with McCahon

Author Martin Edmond and Peter Simpson, director of The Holloway Press, will discuss Dark Night: Walking with McCahon at the Going West Books and Writers festival literary weekend.

An Incorrigible Music

An Incorrigible Music

In a riveting Saturday session at the Going West literary weekend, Bruce Hayward along with colleagues Sam Elworthy and Gordon Maitland will discuss the timely Volcanoes of Auckland.

Performance Poets Battle It Out

Performance Poets Battle It Out

Put your rhyme on the line! Slam with the best or cheer on with the restPerformance poets from around the country will head to West Auckland over the next three weeks for the annual Going West Books a

Eat, celebrate, laugh!

Eat, celebrate, laugh!

Going West Weekend: Natalie Oldfield, author of Gran’s Family Table, will be joined by Peter Calder, food buff and restaurant reviewer, to discuss food and family in a simpler age.

West Auckland's literary roots

It will be Murray Gray’s 16th year at the helm of the popular Going West Books and Writers Festival. But the avid reader and westie, says he still enjoys directing the festival.

A Small Room with Large Windows

Serie Barford, Wystan Curnow and Wendy Harrex talk about the intricacies of writing residencies in this Going West Literary Weekend 2011 Landfall in Unknown Seas session.

Stranger than Fiction - The Lanarchs

Stranger than Fiction - The Lanarchs

Owen Marshall’s historical novel The Larnachs is one of the intriguing books being discussed at the Going West Books and Writers Festival literary weekend 'Landfall in Unknown Seas'.

Imaginative adventure story ticks all the boxes

Imaginative adventure story ticks all the boxes

The Gruffalo - an adaption by Tall Stories Theatre Company, from the award winning picture book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler

Review: Raising the Titanics

Review: Raising the Titanics

Raising the Titanics is an absolute must see! Albert Belz has written a gem. This is Maori theatre at its very best. How’s that for a rave review?