The themes of historical awareness, presence and transformation are grappled with in many Writers' Week events.
Since Writers Week kicked off, my days have been a flurry of talks and events, and writing has become more about the connections between them.
“Ambition is the desire for permanent change,” says Eleanor Catton at her New Zealand Book Council lecture, as part of the NZ Festival Writers Week.
How do you dance to puppetry? That's the question I brought, along with my silliest friend, to Suitcase Royale's Ballad of Backbone Joe.
Where Power Plant's show seemed more a technician's tribute, Brel was a heartfelt work of integrated stories, sound and light, sensuality and setting.
I wonder if Deca not only refers to the decade of choreography from which it draws, but also to early counting of children, and the 1 and 0 composites of communication in the digital age.
The NZ Festival has begun and I have collected my big bundle of tickets. Because I’m also a Fringe Festival fan, they’ve left me without a single night free until mid March.
Wellington writer Renee Gerlich scopes out new director Shelagh Magadza’s 2014 New Zealand Festival programme.