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Collective Comfort - Why Creatives Need A Community

Collective Comfort - Why Creatives Need A Community

A sense of belonging is just as important as talent and drive - Verity Johnson reflects on the restorative power of the PANNZ Arts Market for mid-career artists.   

PANNZ Arts Market Explained - Why It's Worth Your While
Arts Smarts

PANNZ Arts Market Explained - Why It's Worth Your While

One of the creative community's cornerstone events is just around the corner - we break down what happens at the PANNZ Arts Market, who it's for and why to attend.

VIDEO: Naked Ambition

VIDEO: Naked Ambition

WATCH: Art is about expression, creativity and freedom yet when it comes to burlesque, performers still have to battle stigmas and stereotypes - even from within the creative community.

VIDEO: Write Them Off At Your Folly

VIDEO: Write Them Off At Your Folly

WATCH: Rejection sucks - but this trio of creative women show that when someone closes the door on you, the best answer is sometimes to kick down the wall and build your own door for others to enter.

Break It Down: Why We Always Hit The Creative Wall
Arts Smarts

Break It Down: Why We Always Hit The Creative Wall

They come in different shapes and sizes - but Verity Johnson's helping you find the sledgehammer you need to move past the walls that hold you back halfway through a creative project.

Why You Need To Stop Obsessing About Your Potential

Why You Need To Stop Obsessing About Your Potential

Feel like you're held hostage by the pressure of living up to your potential? Verity Johnson's battled this all-too-common demon and has put together a roadmap to victory.

Brown’s Budget Blackmail Bluff

Brown’s Budget Blackmail Bluff

The Mayor didn't even mention the arts as Auckland Council's budget debate got serious.  Verity Johnson explains why she reckons that's a good thing and asks are we seeing the real Wayne Brown?

Rules For Renaissance

Rules For Renaissance

Verity Johnson on the art of rambunctious revival and what all creative genres can learn from Auckland Arts Festival headliner Blanc de Blanc.

The Chaos & Ennui Theory of Creative Life

The Chaos & Ennui Theory of Creative Life

It's the most frustrating stage of the creative cycle - but Verity Johnson tells you why that restlessness is so important and how to lean into it.

How To Stop Boss Mode Quashing Your Creative Rush

How To Stop Boss Mode Quashing Your Creative Rush

Making the move from creative to management - no matter what your practice - can be harder than you think. Verity Johnson looks into what to do when the fun is replaced by forms.

Let's Talk About Sex
Arts Smarts

Let's Talk About Sex

Doing it right - How to use sex in your art in a way that’s not totally cringeworthy, from an experienced sex columnist and creative producer.

Does Passion Really Spring Eternal?

Does Passion Really Spring Eternal?

What happens when the passion runs dry in your creative passion project? Verity Johnson has tackled this issue head on with an important realisation.