Isolation in the workplace can impact on you in many ways and whilst the emphasis for a psychological approach is to examine behaviour and attitudes, it’s necessary to factor physiological health into any equation of holistic health.
Isolation in the workplace can impact on you in many ways and whilst the emphasis for a psychological approach is to examine behaviour and attitudes, it’s necessary to factor physiological health into any equation of holistic health.
If things are getting stressful in your workplace and if you’re feeling ill ease with the situation, chances are you will be focusing on some negativity.
Therefore if you allow this negativity to become a large part of your day, it may become something that drives you and impacts on many other aspects of your life, away from the workplace.
It makes sense then, to find activities that diffuse the stress and ‘enable’ relaxation. Generally sporting activities or exercise provides a healthy foil for any type of cerebral overload. Research suggests that exercise releases much needed endorphins to keep us positive and this may be exactly what is needed to counter stress and negativity!
Whilst you may think that sport and exercise are not your thing, it pays to think outside your comfort zone and realise that it need only be walking or swimming, two easily accessible forms of exercise, that could help you to get some balance and release some endorphins into your world!
Many people equate exercise as gym workouts. This type of regime may appeal to many for the following reasons:
However, often people forget that there are just as effective ‘Stress Busters’ in and around your home and neighbourhood. Walking is a great cardio option and can be really interesting as you can choose paths that let you get to know your immediate context or community. Local swimming pools have gained a huge following over the past few years as more people take advantage of swimming as a refreshing and friction free exercise.
So whatever exercise or training regime you choose to embark upon, the key thing to remember is that this is a great way to take the emphasis off the stress you may be experiencing in your job.
When you become anxious about things associated with your job, your focus may become myopic and you forget to let go of things when you get home. After a time this can be very debilitating for relationships, and for your down time in general.
Conversely, by making an effort to exercise and ‘buy out’ of your work issues, you probably go back into the workplace recharged and with a more positive attitude. Perhaps by releasing stress you also have more energy to direct toward job satisfaction!
Exercise will give you an overall feeling of well-being that may well enhance your mood in the workplace. Once you are achieving in the workplace and engaging in the right amount of exercise, you will create a strong sense of balance in your world.