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Get back on track

05 Feb 2011
If you need help getting back on track after a distraction or loss of confidence, start with reigniting your vision and then set some small steps to put it into action.

If you need help getting back on track after a distraction or loss of confidence, start with reigniting your vision and then set some small steps to put it into action.

The vision part of this exercise connects you back to why you want to do what you want to do.  Without this compelling ‘why’, one rarely stays the distance of bringing something into being.  

For a powerful get back on track formula, follow this with action.  Action fuels the creative process.  It gets things moving.  Any action will do.  It is the magic ingredient to getting back on track. 


Once you have taken the edge off the voice of doubt, it is time to refocus on your vision. This is not about setting new goals but getting in touch with the greatest possibility for your project or goal.

Everyone has something they feel compelled to bring into being.  Sometimes our conditioning makes us lose touch with this or cause a loss of confidence.  Conditioning is not the truth.  What is in your heart to create is the truth.

Steps to get back on track

1.     Get inspired - Read inspirational stories, biographies and quotes to rekindle your inspiration and drive. Below is a quote from Martha Graham, you can find more here.

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. "

2.    Visualise your goals – There are a number of online guides to help you create a vision board and you can revist this wonderful exercise compiled by Sian Jaquet in the December Generator feature, Picture Your Success.

Personally I find it more powerful to get a big piece of paper, coloured crayons and draw my own vision art work.  What is important is that you can see and feel what you want to create or attract into your life.  Put this where you can see it every day.

My favourite quote of Einstein is, “Your imagination is your preview to life’s coming attractions.”  In my work I have seen people create powerful stories and image boards of what they want and over the next few years bring exactly what they have envisioned into form.

4.    Understand the creative process - and where you are in it. Check out my book Creative Adventures In Manifesting Reality which is an illustrated guide to a creative process designed to assist people to get back on track with goals, projects or an enriching life.


Realigning to your vision and purpose is the first step to getting back on track.  However it will all be to no avail unless you follow it up with getting into action.  The secret is to focus on the small steps you need to take next.

1.    Take a piece of paper and write down now what the next three small steps are to get the ball rolling on your project again.  They need to be things you can get into action on immediately, or they are not small enough.

2.    Now go to it.  Get into action.  If the voice of doubt comes up simply suggest it move aside and let you get on with it.  Remember it is not telling you the truth about what is possible.

3.    Visit the Generator’s October 2010 focus on setting inspiring goals.  This can help you to ground your action steps into concrete goals.

If you work on your vision and three small action steps, you will be amazed at how easy it will be to find yourself right back on track.  

* * * The Next Step * * *

The most important thing is to get into action.  Too much planning can be a distraction from doing, as it is the action that will take you forward.