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Museums and communities

29 May 2011
New Zealand museums and art galleries hold various Asian collections in trust for their communities. Do you think these collections act as cultural mediators?

New Zealand museums and art galleries hold various Asian collections in trust for their communities. Do you think these collections act as cultural mediators as New Zealand defines itself within emerging geo-political realities?

Are our museums and galleries engaged in actively maintaining collections that disturb the perception of an homogenous Asian identity?

New Zealand museums and art galleries hold various Asian collections in trust for their communities. Do you think these collections act as cultural mediators as New Zealand defines itself within emerging geo-political realities?

Are our museums and galleries engaged in actively maintaining collections that disturb the perception of an homogenous Asian identity?

How is the notion of diaspora further complicated by how far one is removed in time and space from an original culture?

When do diasporic collections become local or national collections that speak of New Zealand-ness?

And, are museums diversifying their approach to community exhibitions in a way that mirrors an increasingly pluralistic society?

Survey website: http://svy.mk/lJtp67