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NZSA Auckland helps Christchurch writers

22 Mar 2011
The Auckland Branch of The New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc.) has generously donated $5

The Auckland Branch of The New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc.) has generously donated $500 to the Te Tai Tamariki Trust in a drive to support their fellow writers based in Christchurch following the devastating earthquake last month.

The Society’s CEO, Maggie Tarver, says that she was keen to see the money used effectively and put a call out to the writing community in the Canterbury Region for suggestions.  “It wasn’t long before the plight of the Te Tai Tamariki Trust was drawn to our attention” Maggie says.  “I put their case to our Canterbury Writers, the Auckland Branch and our National President and the support was unanimous”.

Christchurch based author and illustrator Gavin Bishop commented: “The Te Tai Tamariki Trust rooms are above the Children’s Book Shop in Victoria Street and is likely to be demolished.   Our main concern is to find another venue to set up a small gallery with storage space. We hope to hold an exhibition of children’s writing and art about the earthquakes sometime this year. We are very short of cash and donations such as the one from the Auckland members of the Society of Authors will go towards the framing and other costs associated with our exhibitions.”

An exhibition of the original art from Quaky Cat was on the walls at the time of the quake in a room where the windows are all smashed. The building is behind the central city cordon.  The art is only lightly mounted and is exposed to the elements.

National President of the Society of Authors, Tony Simpson commented: “Solidarity in adversity is an old saying but a true one.  As someone who grew up in Christchurch and who knows many of the writers who live there, and because my job brings me into direct contact with the trauma they must be going through, I applaud the generosity of our Auckland branch.”

For more about the trust please visit www.tetaitamariki.org.nz

The Society of Authors is also organising a Writers Read In across the Auckland Region on Friday 25th March.  Thirty three libraries and over 130 writers are taking part in this fundraising event.  Gold coin entry and donations will be sent to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal.  For further information visit www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz