The Orlando Singers are a chamber choir active in Auckland choral music for over three decades. The choir performs regularly in recital, has appeared in festivals and has toured New Zealand. They are heard regularly on Radio New Zealand and have also appeared on television.
The Orlando Singers are a chamber choir active in Auckland choral music for over three decades. The choir performs regularly in recital, has appeared in festivals and has toured New Zealand. They are heard regularly on Radio New Zealand and have also appeared on television. They have returned in November from a most successful visit to New Caledonia, during which they performed in five concerts as part of the Les Voix du Sud choral festival. Earlier in the year they also sang to critical acclaim in a concert at Napier Cathedral.
On 15th December the Orlando Singers will present a delightful programme of music for Christmas, both familiar and less well-known, with audience-participation carols included, all are welcome. The Orlando Singers are pleased to contribute part of the takings from this concert to the purchasing programme at Lopdell House Gallery.
Venue Top Floor of Lopdell House, 7.30pm doors open at 7pm.
Entry $20
Bookings phone 817 8087 x201 or call into the gallery shop.