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Pink Noise: Lara Scotton

16 Nov 2010
Italian tattooist Lara Scotton is one of the many talented artists at the NZ Tattoo and Art Festi

Italian tattooist Lara Scotton is one of the many talented artists that will be attending the NZ Tattoo and Art Festival in late November. She talks to Katie Robinson from Pink Noise about her interesting career and how she came to be involved in the festival.

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I started tattooing not so long ago, but I have being working in tattoo shops since I was 20. It has always been a great inspiration for me, working alongside all these great artists. When I first started working in tattoo shops, I didn't know what direction I was going to go with my art. It has been a magical time!

I can't say exactly when I first started painting. But the funniest memory I have, from when I was a child, is my Dad needing to cover the walls after I had drawn all over them with pencils. With the support of my Grandma and friends, I experimented with new techiniques such as, oil, acylics, and watercolours, then finally I discovered the art of tattooing.

I started working for Trafficati D'Arte about a year ago. Actually whilst I am in Milan, I also work for another tattoo studio called Dak Tattoo. I like to move around in my work choices; I believe it is important for an artist and tattooist to try and experiment and learn many different techniques and ways to work. Everyone can teach you something.

I think every tattoo has something special about it. I consider every piece I do to be pretty interesting and they always have good stories behind them. I like to keep things private between me and the people I tattoo, we develop a bond together that I think is very special.
I first learned about the NZ Tattoo and Art Festival through my partner, Joao Paulo Rodrigues. We are going to be sharing a booth together. I don't really know what to expect as it will be my first time in New Zealand, although everyone that I have met that has spent time there have told me that it is a great place. While I don't actually know anybody from New Zealand apart from Brent, the organiser of the festival, I have been getting so many people writing to me that I am already feeling at home! I am so excited to meet everybody, share stories, and have some good laughs.

Every tattoo is important to to me, and I think that they all have good stories behind them and should all be fun. I find it very hard to choose favorites within my art as I love everything I do and get very attached to them. I love to give my art to people that I know will take care of them like there was no tomorrow!

I have been lucky enough in the past to do big paintings for tattoo shops and bars in Italy, unfortunately I did not take any photos of them and I don't know if they are still up or not! I really can't wait to get to the New Zealand Tattoo and Art Festival and check out all the art and tattoos around, things can inspire me in the blink of an eye. I hope to meet you all soon!

* The New Zealand Tattoo and Art Festival is in New Plymouth from November 27 & 28,  2010.

Courtesy of Pink Noise Art Zine #4 / a multi-leveled artist promotional project. Visit Lara's Pink Noise Listing to see more of her work.