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The First Pink Noise Art Show

27 Sep 2010
Pink Noise, a NZ based artist community, and regularly published zine

Roasted Addiqtion has long been a cherished Kingsland staple when it comes to relaxing with a coffee and catching up on local news or with friends, now they are taking things one step further by introducing you to an exciting new venture.

Roasted Addiqtion has long been a cherished Kingsland staple when it comes to relaxing with a coffee and catching up on local news or with friends, now they are taking things one step further by introducing you to an exciting new venture. Pink Noise, a New Zealand based artist community, and regularly published zine at www.pinknoise.co.nz, will be holding their first gallery showcase at Roasted Addiqtion on Friday the 8th of October at 7:30 pm.

Pink Noise is entirely non-profit and runs on passion and a love of the creative. Artists from the Pink Noise community will present their varied works, set to the the rhymes of Michael Botur, writer for Renegade House.co.nz, as well as live music from folk-pop songstress, Anna Kaye. You may even get your photo captured by the very talened Erin Currie, who will have her camera close at hand to document the excitement!

Daniel, manager of Roasted Addiqtion, enthuses about the exciting opportunity for community and local talent to meet head-on. “It’s great to be involved with Pink Noise. Roasted Addiqtion Cafe has been an institution of Kingsland for the past 15 years, and arts and music have always played a major part of life with the cafe throughout these times. There’s a strong community spirit within Pink noise, and we want to be part of it, as that's also what we are about ”.

The Pink Noise exhibition will present varying styles of artwork, from spray painted stencil work to digital illustrations. It will be a chance for the public to not only relax with a coffee and enjoy the engaging visual work, but to meet the artists themselves and learn more about Pink Noise and their rapidly expanding endeavours.

It will be a night not to be missed, with the perfect fusion of music, coffee, poetry and art. The works will be on display for viewing or purchase from Roasted Addiqtion for a month after the exhibition night.

The Pink Noise artists featured for the first showcase will be:

Hayley Heartbreak


John Walters

Katie Robinson

Bobbie Grey

To see more from these artists, check out their Pink Noise Listings at www.pinknoise.co.nz. The project is open to all inspired and interesting artists, writers and creative types. Get in touch if you would like to get yourself a listing, add to the zine, join in the project, and perhaps become involved in a future show at Roasted Addiqtion!


Friday the 8th of October, 7:30 pm.

Roasted Addiqtion Cafe and Bar. 478 New North Road, Kingsland, Auckland.


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Roasted Addiqtion

Article by Hayley O'Connor, featured in the Pink Noise Zine #4.