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New Zealand delegate for Ausdance Launchpad Dance Intensive annouced

30 May 2018
A young Auckland dancer has been selected to take part in a dance intensive in Sydney.

DANZ has announced Auckland based dancer Emma Cosgrave as the 2018 delegate for the Ausdance NSW Launchpad Dance Intensive. With support from DANZ, the recent University of Auckland Dance Studies graduate will be heading to Sydney to partake in the dance intensive which takes place over five days from June 25.

Launchpad (formerly BRIDGE Dance Intensive) is an initiative by Ausdance NSW to provide tools to guide early career dance artists into a new chapter of their practice. The program includes intensive workshops with leading choreographers, industry sessions covering project development, career management and daily technique classes by renowned artists from around Australasia. Guest speakers and tutors this year include; Sue Healey, Jo Clancy, Josh Thomson, Shelley Moore, Lucy Doherty, Chima Olujie, Monica Davidson, Natasha Crane.

“My aspiration is to become one of New Zealand’s leading contemporary dancers, working with many companies and in freelance environments,” says Emma. “Launchpad will provide me with a platform to gain a new set of creative thinking tools, as well as management and industry knowledge that will help set me up as a professional contemporary dancer.”

The opportunity to send a New Zealand delegate is an ongoing partnership between DANZ and Ausdance NSW. It is a way to share creative talents and provide an opportunity for young Kiwi dancers to network internationally, and develop their choreographic practice and industry knowledge. The 2017 New Zealand delegate was Matthew Moore.

“Collaborations and partnerships are a vital element for supporting growth and this trans-Tasman relationship provides an excellent platform for leaning and exchange to help strengthen early career dance artists’ practice,” says DANZ Chief Executive, Anton Carter.

In addition to Launchpad Emma will also be able to attend DAIR (Dance Artists in Residence), where she will be able to work on her own choreographic ideas and movement in a studio provided by Ausdance NSW. DAIR takes place from 2-6 July.

Emma has worked with a range of New Zealand choreographers including Malia Johnston, Sarah Foster-Sproull, Taane Mete, Taiaroa Royal, Natalie Marie Clark and Sarah Knox. She also took part in the 2018 Footnote Choreolab and created works featured in the Short + Sweet Festival and Tempo Dance Festival.