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Two awards for NZ film The Last Magic Show

09 Aug 2007
NZ feature film The Last Magic Show has won two awards in the last four weeks.

NZ feature film The Last Magic Show has won two awards in the last four weeks. NZ feature film The Last Magic Show has won two awards in the last four weeks.First up, the modern day fairy tale romance won the Honourable Mention Award at the Dances With Films Festival in Los Angeles.

"It's definitely nice to win an Award at a Discovery Festival like Dances With Films," says writer/director and lead actor Andy Conlan. "The film was extremely well-received with the Festival audience. Their very audible reactions proved to me what an experience this film provides when shared by an audience, which really is one of the most rewarding aspects of filmmaking."

The film won its second award at the 2007 Air New Zealand Screen Awards, with cinematographer Duncan Cole receiving the Images and Sound Award for Best Technical Contribution to a Digital Feature.

Georgie Hill, the film's costume designer, was also a finalist for an award in the same category.

"Duncan's win was well deserved," says Conlan. "His level of talent, sensibility and attention to detail are rare and the difference this made to the film is beyond measure. I am lucky to have worked with some very experienced cast and crew, and I'm happy to see their work getting noticed both here and over seas."

Conlan is currently working on a new film between meetings with international distributors and sales agents.

The Last Magic Show, about a broken-hearted escape artist who believes that he possesses real magical powers, is scheduled for release later in 2007 from Arkles Entertainment.
