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2017: Top Stories & Editors Picks

2017: Top Stories & Editors Picks

A selection of our readers favourite stories of 2017 plus our editors top picks.

Reflections: New Zealand women in art

Reflections: New Zealand women in art

The BNZ has teamed up with Katherine Mansfield House & Garden in an exhibition that tackles gender representation in the arts

Empress Stah

Empress Stah

Combining elements of circus, cabaret, burlesque and aerial art, Empress Stah is sure to impress and intrigue kiwi audiences with her outrageous ‘Laser Butt-Plug’ act at Splore 2018.

TOP PICKS: NZ Festival 2018

TOP PICKS: NZ Festival 2018

To ease your decision-making anxieties, we ask those in the know about their top picks for the 2018 New Zealand Festival

Louis Baker: The courage to be yourself

Louis Baker: The courage to be yourself

“It takes courage for anyone to go and be themselves.” Louis Baker on what it takes to present your most honest self through your music.

Jamie Newman: Bringing Dance to the People

Jamie Newman: Bringing Dance to the People

Jamie Newman, the man that brought kiwis No Lights No Lycra and Auckland's morning rave movement, Morning People, on what inspires him to make people want to get up and dance.

Leo Gene Peters: A need for change

Leo Gene Peters: A need for change

We chat to theatre maker Leo Gene Peters about making joyfully absurd theatre that reflects the joyfully absurd nature of life.

Mixit: Building resilience through creativity

Mixit: Building resilience through creativity

Mixit is harnessing creative practices to enable resilience, optimism and a sense of belonging in refugee and migrant youth.

CONTAIN: Art in Prisons

CONTAIN: Art in Prisons

CONTAIN, an exhibition by artists from the Northland Region Corrections Facility sheds a light on the wide-reaching positive impacts of arts programmes in prisons.

Sam Taylor: Holding students at the heart of teaching

Sam Taylor: Holding students at the heart of teaching

“I am always flabbergasted by the amount of talent that is everywhere, in every student." Sam Taylor, the new Head of Audio Department at SAE on keeping students at the heart of his teaching practice.

Climate Change takes centre stage

Climate Change takes centre stage

The Actors' Program brings you Earthquakes in London, an epic play that goes straight to the heart of how climate change affects our lives, relationships and how we think about the future.

Rui Peng: The challenges of the social entrepreneur

Rui Peng: The challenges of the social entrepreneur

‘How can I align my deepest desire with the world’s deepest need?’ This is the question that guides designer, Rui Peng, on his quest to become a true social entrepreneur.